Team building activities is part of project execution process and phase. During project planning, we plan that how much team size should be required to execute this project. But in Execution phase, team is present on ground.
Whenever we develop, built a team, there are five stages of team development. Along with this stage there are other issues as well called Team conflicts and here we will discuss about conflict management as well.
Type of team
- Co-located team
- Virtually team
Before developing or building a team, we need to identify the project requirement based on Project Charter, Project Plan, RFP and client locations. As mentioned above team can be build either at Co-location or Virtually/WFH.
Co-Located Team: Co-Location can build a strong and more interactive team as all team members are located at same location. They can discuss and work on project closely. This facilitates communication, problem-solving, issue resolution, and relationship building. Also, it is easy to manage and control the team based on Co-location.
Virtual or On-Site Team: Some time, the team or skills which we are looking for project are not available locally and we need to hire outsides countries or region. They can be anywhere from globe. It can reduce organization Travel Cost. Also organization will get skilled team on low cost as well. They will work and join meeting virtually.
“Team building activities Every team goes through the five stages of team development. The first four stages of team growth were first developed by Bruce Wayne Tuckman. His theory, called “Tuckman’s Stages” was based on research he conducted on team dynamics. He believed (as is a common belief today) that these stages are inevitable in order for a team to grow to the point where they are functioning effectively together and delivering high quality results.
In 1977, Tuckman, jointly with Mary Ann Jensen, added a fifth stage called “Adjourning.” “
The five stages of team building:
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning
Stage 1: Forming

This is the stage when team meets to each other first time and introduce to each other. They share their experience, knowledge, projects, qualification, and other personal information. Here team members learn and understand the project requirement and their Role and responsibilities.
Project manager plays an important role here, as he is the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for all team members. Project managers understand all team member’s strengths and capabilities and assign the responsibilities accordingly. He explained the project SOW, time, objective, and requirement in details. Project manager make ensure that all team members are got clear picture about project and SOW and clear the doubt if any.
Stage 2: Storming
After forming a team, now time to start work on project as per allocated Roles and Responsibilities. As everybody is new in the project and want to know and engaged maximum in all activities, but as a project manager we cannot involve all team members in every activity, and we must involve accordingly to their capabilities.
Some time we involve some team members in meeting and discussion or give some tasks like Project manager assigned some tasks suppose, to prepare project plan to a team members called ‘A’. and other team is start thinking that why he/she not present in that meeting, why he/she has not informed for that task or activity? They believe because they are more junior or less experienced on the team that’s why he/she not informed.
Now, other team members start challenging his project plan and start disagreeing. This is phase when argument & team conflict starts, and project manager needs to handle the situation wisely.
Stage 3: Norming

Gradually When the team moves into the “norming” stage, they are beginning to work more effectively as a team. They understood project, team and no longer focus on individual Goals and start working jointly as a team. Start respect each other opinions. Now all team members are become good friends.
If any team members need some help then team take care of that issue and resolved and support to each other. Everything is normal now.
Here project manager job is less, he no need to interfere in team’s work, only monitoring and directed. The project manager may not be as involved in decision making and problem solving since the team members are working better together and can take on more responsibility in these areas.
Stage 4: Performing
In the “performing” stage, teams are functioning at a very high level. The focus is on reaching the goal as a group. The team is highly motivated to get the job done. They trust and rely on each other; all conflict has been sorted out. This is the phase when project is actually is in implemented and maximum tasks has completed.
Stage 5: Adjourning
In the “adjourning” stage the project is about to complete, and members are releasing and moving off into different project. Project manager should make ensure that every team member will be apricated, rewarded, recognized for their efforts, and celebrate the project success with team. Also helps team to get new project or assignment. Also, it should be communicated in advance that when team going to adjourn, so team members can start identifying the new project. It should not be sudden decision.
Sign to identify that Team is working effectively or Not.
The characteristics of effective, successful teams include:
- Clear communication among all members
- Regular brainstorming session with all members participating.
- Better understanding among team members
- Problem solving done by the group.
- Commitment to the project and the other team members
- Regular team meetings are effective and inclusive.
- Timely hand off from team members to others to ensure the project keeps moving in the right direction.
- Positive, supportive working relationships among all team members
The characteristics of not working effectively are:
- Lack of communication among team members.
- No clear roles and responsibilities for team members.
- Team members throw tasks to other team members, with lack of concern for timelines or work quality.
- Team members work alone, rarely sharing information and offering assistance.
- Team members blame others for what goes wrong, no one accepts responsibility.
- Team members do not support others on the team.
- Team members are frequently absent thereby causing slippage in the timeline and additional work for their team members.
Building a team not an easy job, identifying the suitable and skilled person as per project is very time taken activity and some time depend on luck. There are five stages to building a team including Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing & Adjourning. Building a team is only the task after that need to manage conflict between them with adapting suitable conflict Management Styles based on situation.
(Reference: PMP PMBOOK by PMI)
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