Project Management is an Art to manage client, Vendor and people. In my previous blogs, I have discussed about technical Document like RFP, DPR, LLD, HLD, UAT as implementation project, but these are a part of project and not project. Might be this is your role to implement a Data centre or LAN or Wi-Fi, and other side other team also working to built their data centre infrastructure. Other team is working parallel to taking handover for Operation management.

Skills that Project Manager should have for Project Management
Before we discuss about project manager Skill, lets understand can be a project manager? Is the person who completed his/her MBA or a Non-technical or Senior Resource, Experts only? Answer is not exactly. Can a Technically Sound resource can handle a project as a Project Manager also? Answer is Yes.
As per my understanding, there are no such definition or define criteria to become a project Manager. Any one who have management skill can be a project manager.
Some time we called project manager as a small-business owners. They need to know a little bit about every
aspect of management. Although he no need to perform any technical things, designing, Solutioning, implementation or testing, he only needs to delegate the task to other team or stakeholders. But by delegating the task to other team, we do not have dependencies on technical team. I mean to say, we should not blindly agree on their solution or opinions.

So, what all skills a project manager should have in Project Management:
- Communication Skills
- Planning Skills
- Budgeting Skills
- Conflict management Skills
- Negotiation and influencing skills:
- Leadership Skills
- Negotiation and influencing skills:
- Problem Solving Skills
- Good Presentation Skill
- Risk Management Skills
- Time Management
Communication Skills:
One of the most and highly required Skill for a project manager is Communication Skills. A project manager Should have this Art of speech or communication. It is very important that how you deliver your project to client, how much convincing power you have. It should be both written and verbal.
During project life cycle a project manager meets and communicate with multiple stake holder and with each of them the pitch, the way of communication will be matters. It is very important that a project manager a good bonding with all stakeholders including Client, team, vendor, Labour, management, field team etc and team should listen him and trust on his words.
Planning Skills:
It is also most important skills. If you are not a good planner, then you cannot achieve your goal as per desire time and result. A good planning can increase the chances of project success.
Suppose, you have a flight in morning 6 AM, then you have to plan accordingly, that when you will wake up, till when you will ready to pick cab. You have to calculate and consider travel time in your planning. Also you need to consider some spare time. You need to book your Cab in day before, you should complete your all packing day before or last night only to avoid any delay and then you can easily reach the airport on time and will board the flight, but on the other side, if you have bad planning then chances will be high that you can miss your flight.
Same concept applies on project as well. A project should have authentic and realistic project plan with timelines, and he need to stick with his timeliness as well.
Budgeting Skills:
Project managers prepare and manage budgets for project, so he needs some knowledge of finance and accounting also. For costing he can use multiple tools.
Conflict management or Problem Solving Skills:
During project execution, a project manager need to coordinate with multiple team and stakeholders, and everybody have different nature and understanding, and it cause conflict. A Project manager should not bias to any individual, he should be understanding the problem and provide solution. So, we can say that project manager should be problem solver. Also he needs to take some decision which should be in favour of project and individuals ego also should be satisfied.
Negotiation and influencing skills:
A project manager is a face for Customer from an organization. He is SPOC for all. A project manager should be good in negotiation when he is working with vendor.” negotiating is working with others to come to an agreement.” Negotiation requires at every level of project, it can be with candidate when we hire him, it can be with vendor when we buy something, it can we field workers or vendor or client. Like negotiation Influencing is also major skill for a project manager. This is skill or Art when we make people ready to do whatever you want with an agreement not by force. Influencing is something that, you convenience someone to do that he don’t want to do or agree to do, but now he agree.
Suppose being a project manager, you have a instruction from your organisation that your team should be work in hybrid mode (2 day/week WFH and 3 days/week work from office) after corona period. But your team is not ready. Now being a project manager, you need to convince them and motivate them to come office by multiple facts.
Project manager’s convenience power should be strong enough to create hold on his/her team.
Leadership Skills:
Manager and Leaders both are two different skills. A leader can be a manager, but it is not necessary that a manager should be leader or can be Leader. Because leadership is something to Lead the team, but project is not leading the team, they are coordinating with to perform a project or task. Project Manager can not do or perform a task behalf of team, but a leader can do.
But sometime a project manager needs to be converted as Leader and then back to manager. So project manager should have a leadership skill as well in Project Management role.
Good Presentation Skill:
if you are a Project manager, then you needs to attend multiple meeting with management, client, vendors, OEM and teams and you have to present project status, solution or requirement. If a project manager can not present the project requirement, progress, solution, decision, team’s efforts then he never get credit, appreciations to Complete the project, even it is successfully completed, because you did a wonderful job but you was not able to present your efforts in a right way or aggressively. So, a good presentation skill are very much required for a project manager.
Project Manager should have some basic skills like Good communication, Presentation, Team Motivator, team inspiration, Negotiable, understanble so can understand team issue in a better way and finally should be a Leader not Boss.
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