Problem Management -PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

Problem never be small. It can be big anytime, but every problem has a Solution, we only need to find the correct way to resolve that problem. An Operation Manager is met with numerous problems every day. Some problems are easy and simple to solve, while others require data collection, study, deals with artifacts, understand the chronology of issue and must follow a scientific method to arrive at a particular decision.


Problem Management Process and Method-PDCA ( Plan-Do-Check-Act)

What is Problem Management

Problem management is a process to identify, analysing and resoling the problem during the project execution and management. It needs to work on Root cause of problem and take necessary action to resolve it and make ensure that it should not repeat. The primary goal of problem management is to minimize the impact of problems on operations, prevent their recurrence, and improve the overall stability and efficiency of services.

Key Aspect of problem management
  1. Problem identification
  2. Root Cause analysis
  3. Periodization of Problems
  4. Escalation
  5. Workaround
  6. Problem Resolution
  7. Continual Improvement
  8. Integration with Incident Management
  9. Trend Analysis
  10. Monthly problem management reviews

Problem Solving Process and Method

There are famous and demanding steps and process to solve a problem. Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. Let’s understand this process.

What is PDCA?

PDCA – Plan-Do-Check-Act, which is iterative problem-solving and constant improvement cycle. It is also known as the Deming Cycle or the Shewhart Cycle, named after its originators, Walter A. Shewhart and W. Edwards Deming.

PDCA provides an organized method to problem-solving and is broadly used in several fields, including business management, quality control, and project management.


In this Step need to identify and define the problem, set goals, and develop a plan to address the problem. It includes gathering information, investigating the current situation, and finding the best course of action. The plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals).


In this step, need to execute the plan that was developed in the Plan stage. Implement the proposed solution or changes on a small scale or in a controlled environment. Collect data and document the process while carrying out the planned activities.


In Includes Evaluate and analyse the data and results collected during the “Do” phase. Compare the actual outcomes with the expected outcomes and the established goals. Assess the effectiveness of the implemented solution and identify any deviations or areas for improvement. This step involves data analysis, performance measurement, and verification.


Based on the findings and analysis from the “Check” phase, take appropriate actions. If the solution was successful, document it, and implement it on a larger scale. If the solution did not achieve the desired results, analysis the reasons for the failure and make adjustments or try alternative approaches. This step emphasizes continuous learning, improvement, and refinement of the solution



Q. What is Problem Management?

A. it is a critical process in IT service management that emphases on identifying, analyzing, and resolving the root causes of incidents and problems.

Q. What is the objective of problem Management?

A. Its main objective is to minimalize the impact of incidents on business operations, improve service stability, and augment complete customer satisfaction.

Q. What is problem Management Process?

Q. In this  process, organizations can proactively identify and address frequent incidents and potential problems.

A. How to identify the Root Cause?

Q. By conducting root cause analysis, the Problem Management team can find the underlying factors contributing to incidents, empowering them to develop effective solutions and preventive measures.

Q. What is KEDB?

A. KEDB also plays a dynamic role in knowledge management by keeping a Known Error Database (KEDB). This knowledge base encompasses information about known errors, workarounds, and solutions, enabling IT support teams to quickly diagnose and resolve incidents.

Q. What is PDCA?

A. There are famous and demanding steps and process to solve a problem. Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA),

Q. What is PLAN refers in PDCA?

A. Identify and define the problem, set goals, and develop a plan to address the problem.

Q. What is DO refers in PDCA?

A. Execute the plan that was developed in the Plan stage.

Q. What is CHECK refers in PDCA?

A. Evaluate and analyse the data and results collected during the “Do” phase.

Q. What is ACT refers in PDCA?

A. Findings and analysis from the “Check” phase, take appropriate actions.


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