Project Management is an Art to manage client, Vendor and people. In my previous blogs, I have discussed about technical Document like RFP, DPR, LLD, HLD, UAT as implementation project, but these are a part of project and not project. Might be this is your role to implement a Data centre or LAN or Wi-Fi, and other side other team also working to built their data centre infrastructure. Other team is working parallel to taking handover for Operation management.
Project Management and Operation are two different activity. It is one time activity but Operation is on-going activity. A new project also can be part of operation, I means during Operation we can also get some new business and implement some new project which is also considered as Project.
Below are some basic difference between project and operation.

In Project Management, Project is called temporary, Unique and close after achieving the goal and it can involve a single individual or multiple individuals, a single organizational unit, or multiple organizational units from multiple organizations.
Project Management Process
Project Management is not easy, it contain multiple process, undertaken and other parameters. Also Cost is involved in executing or initiating a project. A project execution is includes planning, costing, Timelines, Risk, Quality and closing.
To start or proposing any Project Management some of considerations needs to be taken care like:
- Market Requirement : Why we are proposing this solution or proposal. Which requirement it will fulfill as per market demands.
- Building a team : A team or PMO needs to build to drive that proposal with all artifacts
- Research : Project team needs to be perform a deep research about that project, solution, competitors etc.
- Technologies : Project should be technology enabled. All latest technology should be introduced and used.
- Legal Requirement : Project should be Legally approved with all norm, Standards, rules and regulations.
According to PMP POMBOOK Sixth addition Project Management has 49 processes broadly divided in 5 process groups :
- Initiating
- Planning
- Executing
- Monitoring & Controlling
- Closing
Project Management Phases
Let’s take an example..
Suppose, a IT customer wants to build a data centre in his new IT park and he contacted and hires a third party consultant to complete all these process to get DC build.
Consultant needs to follow all above mentioned process groups in Project Management:
Initiation :
Consultant will understand all customer requirement first and initiate a discussion with Vendor / Supplier or Contractor to build a proposal or RFP to build DC. Once all Legal formalities and RFP has been published and SI has been selected, then second phase will be start.
Planning :
Now MSI & Consultant will plan for SCOP, Project Plan, define timelines, Plan cost mgmt, Plan Risk mgmt and team selection.
Execution :
Manage Project Quality, Resource, established communication, response to all Risks etc.
Monitoring & Controlling :
Need to monitor all SCOP, Communication, Validate Cost, Time lines, project Plan, Monitor Risk and Quality, procurement and other stakeholder engagement.
Final handover the project to customer and take delivery sign-off and close the project.
Project Constraints in Project Management
When we are working on a project then in the starting it looks like a straight line ” ————->”but when we start working then we found the that actually it is look like a Zig-Zag . .
A project has multiple constraints includes:

- Time
- Cost
- Risk
- Scope
- Quality
- Resource
- Team conflicts
And many other factors as well.
During project initiation in Project Management there are some agreed deliverable and scope of work in terms of cost of time. For a project time and cost are two most important factor and to complete the project with agreed timelines and cost are main objective and responsibility for a project manager.
Project manager need to take care that project should not be over budgeted from estimated and also should not be overshoot in terms of timelines.
There are should be projected project plan with strict timelines to compete the project. It will be better if project will be divided into multiple phases or waves to achieve the individual phases milestones.
There are some proactive steps or process should be follow to minimize these constraints during Project Management.
- Daily Huddle Call / Meetings on daily report
- Weekly review of project progress with higher management
- Financial Review on regular basis
- Proactive identify the Risk
- Be Transparent with Client about project status and issues if any.
- Always take approval on any deviations or delays.
- Immediately inform to Client or management for any delay or Risk.
To manage a project, there are team who helps the project manager and other team to achieve the goal whenever is required that is called project management Office (PMO).
There are three types of PMOs :
Supportive PMO
Controlling PMO
Directive PMO
Supportive PMO : It provides support in the form of on-demand expertise, templates, best practices, access to information and expertise used on other projects etc. This is actually required if project is not completed in good manner and additional support is required.
Controlling PMO : Some time project goes in wrong direction or out of control and it is a desire to “Command in” the activities, processes, procedures, documentation, delay etc. If required then Controlling PMO will define the rules and methodology to execute the project includes project review, Creating WAR rooms, scheduling RAID Calls (risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies).
RAID (risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies) meetings.
Directive PMO : If project is not in controlled by project managers then higher management involve the professional to “takes over” the projects by providing the project management experience and resources to manage the project. As organizations undertake projects, professional project managers from the PMO are assigned to the projects.
A project manager is person who wear multiple Hats during Project Management. He is a management professional who have the responsibility of the project Initiating, planning, procurement, Controlling & Monitoring, execution and closing of a project in a define timeline. Also, a project manager should have management skills like Communication Skills, Planning Skills, Budgeting Skills, Conflict management Skills, Negotiation and influencing skills, Leadership Skills, Negotiation and influencing skills, Problem Solving Skills, Good Presentation Skill, Risk Management Skills, Time Management etc in Project Management role.A project manager is overall responsible for completing a project with agreed SOW.
(Reference: PMP PMBOOK by PMI)
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